Say Hello to Portfolio

Introducing the Yak Portfolio.
A new feature which lets you track the performance of your Yield Yak positions in one simple and intuitive place, with multiple ways to measure your returns.
Portfolio gives a unified display of your cross-chain Yield Yak positions on Avalanche, Arbitrum, and Mantle. Let's dive in to some of Portfolio's features.
Active or Historical Positions

Default setting is to only display your active positions, but simply toggle to 'All Positions' to include all historical Yield Yak deposits to take a trip down memory lane.
You can also either connect your wallet to see relevant positions, or manually lookup any address. Here's a fun one to look up, Yield Yak's 'Deployer' wallet which seeds liquidity into most Yield Yak farms: 0xDcEDF06Fd33E1D7b6eb4b309f779a0e9D3172e44
Individual Position Features

My Current Value
Your position value in the underlying token and current USD values
My Net Deposits
Total deposits minus total withdrawals. You can click/hover over to see your full transaction history.
My Returns
(My Current Value) - (My Net Deposit)
The growth in your position since your first deposit and its USD equivalent using the latest prices.
The simple % is your returns divided by net deposits.

My Growth
The % growth in your position since your last deposit, withdraw, or transfer.
APY value is this growth annualised using the time since your last deposit, withdrawal or transfer and the most recent reinvest for the strategy.

To give it a try yourself:
We'd love to hear feedback on anything else you'd like to see in Portfolio, feel free to share your thoughts on any of our community channels!