Milk Vaults: Intelligent Onchain Yield Starts with rsAVAX

Today we're announcing the launch of Milk Vaults, a new category of intelligent onchain yield products exclusively on Avalanche. The inaugural launch vault supports Suzaku's Avalanche L1 security marketplace and introduces restaked sAVAX ($rsAVAX) into the ecosystem.
Deposit sAVAX and receive rsAVAX, earning multi-layered rewards including Suzaku Points, Milk Points, native sAVAX Yield, and future rewards generated from restaking sAVAX to secure decentralised Avalanche L1s.
rsAVAX also comes with additional utility at launch letting users provide liquidity for rsAVAX/AVAX on LFJ's Liquidity Book to earn QI rewards plus boosted points.
What are Milk Vaults?

Milk represents our vision for managed & intelligent DeFi exposure, combining Yield Yak's strategic expertise with institutional-grade infrastructure. Built with the battle-tested Boring Vault* architecture —Milk offers users simple access to sophisticated yield strategies with full transparency. Milk starts with Suzaku and liquid restaking, with the offering primed to expand soon with an AI-driven Intelligent AVAX vault in development.
Introducing Milk Points

Milk Vault deposits earn Milk Points, our new system for tracking contributions to the Milk ecosystem. Earn 3 Milk Points daily for every $1 of value deposited. Milk Points receive monthly YAK token distributions, allowing vault users to participate in the broader Yield Yak ecosystem.
rsAVAX: Our First Milk Vault

We're proud to partner with Suzaku to launch our inaugural Milk Vault. The rsAVAX vault positions Yield Yak as Suzaku's first Curator, enabling sAVAX holders to participate in the growing market for L1 economic security.
How It Works
Deposit your sAVAX into the strategy to receive rsAVAX at a 1:1 ratio. Yield Yak handles the rest—evaluating L1 opportunities, managing collateral deployments, and optimising returns.
Fee Structure
The rsAVAX vault launches with zero fees. A fee switch will only be triggered when Yield Yak can begin actively curating deposits in Suzaku's marketplace.
rsAVAX Benefits
- Enhanced Rewards: Earn native sAVAX yield plus additional rewards
- Earn Suzaku Points at 2.7x multiplier (50% boost vs directly on Suzaku)
- Accumulate Milk Points which earn retroactive YAK rewards
- Professional Management: Yield Yak actively manage deployments to balance risk/reward of securing new Avalanche L1s
- Auto-compounding: All L1 rewards will be converted into rsAVAX for optimal returns
- Proven Infrastructure: Built on the MIT-licensed, audited Boring Vault architecture
Supercharge Your Rewards with LFJ

Want to maximize your earnings? Provide rsAVAX/AVAX liquidity on Let's F***ing Joe (LFJ) to unlock:
- $QI rewards
- 25% more Suzaku Points (3.4x multiplier) and Milk Points (1.25x multiplier)
What is Suzaku?
Suzaku is the (re)staking protocol for sovereign networks. It is tailored to help Avalanche L1s securely scale and decentralize their validator set by providing them with different security models, from PoA to PoS and dual-staking.
Suzaku effectively implements a validator marketplace between:
1. Stakers, who provide cryptoeconomic security
2. Operators, who run the infrastructure, a.k.a. L1 validators
3. L1 networks, who reward 1. and 2. for contributing to the security and decentralization
The Suzaku team is an alumni of the Avalanche Codebase accelerator S’24 and is supported by the Avalanche Foundation.
Looking Ahead
The rsAVAX vault marks just the beginning for Yield Yak's journey towards bringing users intelligent onchain yield. We're committed to expanding this product suite with carefully selected strategies that align with our users' yield and risk preferences.

Start exploring Milk Vaults today.
*Note: Users should review all risks before participating. Vaults use the MIT-license and audited version of the Boring Vault architecture created by Veda Labs. Yield Yak is not associated with Veda Labs in any way.